New Friends New New Places held their AGM last Tuesday. The Chairperson Dorothy Bowman welcomes everyone to their fifth Anniversary. During the year there has been a monthly mystery trip with J&C Coaches, a group went to Butlins for a sixties weekend and 15 people went together on a holiday to Devon. We have Fish and Chip lunches, Strawberry teas, Play Bingo. Line dancing and Armchair aerobics once a month.
Speakers also attend and at our AGM Syd Howarth gave a short talk on the new organisation GACAP (Great Aycliffe Community Aid Partnership), a group that helps and points people in the right direction when they have crisis in their lives i.e no food, benefit changes, causing hardships.
Come along and join N.F.N.P every Tuesday 2.00pm until 4.00pm at the Royal Navy Club. Or ring 308094 for further details.