A hugely successful year of sport at Stephenson Way has ended with yet more success. This time it isn’t the children claiming yet more medals and trophies, but the whole school being recognised for a commitment to sport that has given the children who have tasted success over the past year the platform to succeed.
The Sedgefield School Sports Partnership created the “Legacy of the Fire” awards to identify schools who are continuing the spirit of the 2012 London Olympic Games with their attitudes and approaches towards physical education.
Picking up the “Commitment to Physical Education and Sports” award as well as the “Commitment to Inclusion” award is a fantastic acknowledgement of the sporting culture that has been developed in the school over the past 18 months. The awards reflect the school’s focus on giving every child the opportunity to play sports in an organised environment.
The school’s county final basketball team and county championship winning boccia team were invited to the event to speak to the audience about their experiences competing throughout the year to earn their place in the finals.
Led by sporting co-ordinator Miss Whitfield, the school has actively increased the range of sports available to the children through a range of after school and lunch time activities, work in PE lessons and extra coaching provided by highly qualified instructors.