Dear Sir,
Readers may know that Durham County Council proposes to remove all of the street lighting on the A167, apart from roundabouts and major junctions.
The removal of the lighting will take place in late summer and early autumn. This decision has been taken following agreement at the Cabinet meeting, consultation with the public and ratification by the Council.
At a meeting of Great Aycliffe Town Council on 22 April the Town Clerk was instructed to contact Durham County Council to ascertain if a Service Level Agreement for the A167 street lights with Durham County Council could be obtained.
Such an agreement would be possible under the Town Council’s powers under the Parish Councils Act 1957, Section 3, and Highways Act 1980, Section 301.
The Town Clerk complied with the Council’s instructions and an initial response was received from officers of the County Council.
This response to say the least was unhelpful and so I arranged a meeting between senior members and an officer of Durham County Council and senior members of Great Aycliffe Town Council and the Town Clerk.
As a result of that meeting, a new Service Level agreement for the A167 street lights has been proposed. This is a more realistic proposal and, I believe, fair to both sides and I will be presenting it to the next meeting of the Environment Committee on 1st July, with confidence that it will be accepted by the Environment Committee and ratified by full Council.
I will keep residents informed on the results of the future decisions, but I am optimistic that the street lights on the A167 within our parish boundaries will stay on for the next ten years.
Bob Fleming, Leader – Great Aycliffe Town Council
Aycliffe A167 Lights – Comment on Council Decision
Editor: Newton News applauds the efforts of our Town Council on this issue. They have shown persistence in the face of County Council intransigence, recognising the views of residents and Business Park occupants whose outcry was disregarded.
Under the astute leadership of Bob Fleming and Deputy Leader Malcolm Iveson, our Town Council has shown you must listen to the people and find a way forward. Hopefully when faced with other cuts affecting our town they will strike out again in support of public opinion and common sense.