A large number of the general public squeeezed into the Town Council Chamber on Wedenesday night to observe the debate on the future of West Park Lakes.
Councillor Arun Chandran’s motion called for the park to be primarily a Recreation Amenity and to serve the public as an open space. He asked for the lakes to be kept clean and clear of algae.
The Leader of the Council Bob Fleming was in broad agreement and subject to a slight amendment members resolved to seek expert advice on the control of the lake water.
Counc Fleming however was very unhappy with the behaviour of the “Friends of West Park” who had stepped outside their agreement with the Town Council which stipulated any work carried out at West Park should be under the supervision of the Environment Officer.
The Leader also condemned the number of vitriolic letters sent to Newton News on the matter in particular one from the chairman Ken Robson who called the council “fascist” which he considered deplorable and libellous. Councillor Fleming went to great lengths to show how anti-fascist he was, recounting how members of his family, and other councillors, fought against fascist regimes.
After the meeting Ken Robson told Newton News he regretted using the word and did in fact apologise in a subsequent letter. He also said he only meant it in an environmental context.
Another issue grabbing the Council’s attention was the new man-made pond at Cobblers Hall. Counc Fleming explained it was constructed to deal with drainage of water away from the new housing estate and was far from being an environmental feature.
The Town Council considered the pond to be extremely dangerous to life and knowing the current safety provisions could not take responsibility for its future maintenance. Officers were instructed to contact the County Council of the Town Council’s refusal to monitor this area.
Newton News attended the meeting and for the first time ever proceedings of the Council were filmed and the video footage added to the new website, launched this weekend.