The Town Council Environment Committee met this Wednesday and agreed to a proposal by Council Leader Bob Fleming to keep and take over the maintenance of lights on the A167 which the County Council were going to remove in a cost saving exercise.
It just remains for the full council to ratify the Service Level agreement, which is a foregone conclusion.
Councillor Fleming, however was very unhappy with another proposal to remove eleven lights in the town itself, along Burnhill Way, which the County Council had also decided on removing subject to comments and objections. Obviously there was strong objection to this move raised by Councillors with grave doubts on the criteria for their removal.
Lights should only be removed in rural areas and where there is no danger to road safety and crime, in line with British Standards. It was pointed out quite clearly that the independent consultants had definitely got it wrong in suggesting Burnhill Way came under this category.
Councillors vehemently opposed the move stating this area, although it had trees was definitely still urban and was used constantly by pedestians and cyclists and children walking to school. On dark winter night there would be safety and crime implications.
The Town Clerk was directed to make contact with the County Council expressing objections and concerns of the Council on this matter, questioning the consultants conclusions.
Town Council Object to County Plans to Remove Lighting