The Council is currently undertaking consultation on the setting of our 2016/17 Revenue and Capital Budget.
We are seeking the views of the community on our budget proposals and whether local tax payers are in support of the proposed 1.98% increase in the Town Council proportion of the Council Tax next year.
We are also seeking your opinions on the Council services that are most and least important to you, which will help to inform our service and financial planning over the coming years.
We have developed a budget survey to formally record your views and we would encourage local residents to complete this questionnaire before the end of December.
The Council welcomes your feedback and will ensure that the results of the survey as well as any specific comments or concerns are reported to the Council before it meets to set the final budget in January.
You can access the survey from the link on the Council website or by typing the following link into your browser:
Should you require background information on the Council finances and draft budget proposals, you can view detailed information on the Finance Section of the website.
Town Council 2016/17 Budget Survey – Your Views Are Important