On Saturday 3rd July, Great Aycliffe Cancer Support Group had a fundraising event at Newton Aycliffe Youth and Community Centre.
Visitors heard fantastic live music from “Wayward Sons” who offered their services free of charge on seeing the event advertised in the Newton News.
Allison said “Thank you to them for offering their time and everyone who supported, helping us raise £558.05 which is to go towards social activities for cancer patients who need a respite break in our static caravan.”
The group has nearly 60 members who need help and support for themselves and their families.
Thanks are recorded to items to sell as well as prizes, also to Professor Nincompoop. The members did very well to raise the money as most of them that helped on the day have been affected by cancer. with thanks going to the secretary Sharon for arranging it all.
As cuts are being made to health and social care services, more and more cancer patents and their families are being left to struggle alone so if any reader knows someone that is isolated and suffering from loneliness please let them know about this wonderful local group.
They meet on the 1st Thursday of each month apart from January and August at Newton Aycliffe Youth & Community Centre starting at 6pm with free transport available, if required.
If any company or individual would like to donate vital funds please make contact. Website is www.greataycliffecancer supportgroup.co.uk or call Allison on 07762 258696
Town Cancer Support Group Fundraiser in the Youth Centre