Durham Police and Crime Commissioner Ron Hogg welcomes reports that the Government is considering doubling penalty points for using a mobile phone while driving.
The Government is considering changing the law after Metropolitan Police Chief Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe recently called for stronger penalties for offenders and it is suggested that drivers could receive six points if caught using mobile phones as opposed to the current three handed down for the offence, meaning that anyone caught breaking the law twice in three years would receive a driving ban as a result.
Ron Hogg said “Using a mobile phone while driving is extremely dangerous, which is why I fully support this option to deter drivers. The person who is using their phone doesn’t realise the damage or the danger that they could be in, and it could end up ruining people’s lives.
I believe that an increase in penalty points is a step in the right direction and it could provide a more effective deterrent if second time offenders receive a 12 month ban”