Dear Sir,
I believe the Conservative Government led by Sunak, and his puppet Hunt, are not Conservatives, they are going to deliberately collapse the banks to ensure that digital currency is introduced, that is exactly why the last three years has happened.
So what happens to your savings and pensions if you have put money aside to enjoy your retirement? That will be gone.
They state people who have no savings will be given a token amount and those with debt will have it written off.
When people eventually take to the streets to protest about having their savings taken away, the masses will pay no attention because most will be happy having their debts paid off. It’s obvious and will work. I clearly remember their boast ‘that people will own nothing and will be happy’.
Will the police come out to the protests, because there is no need to? The UN militia is already in place in the Hotels that are full of migrants warm and cosy, getting paid while they wait for the call. They will be brutal, not like our nice fluffy Macarena dancing policemen we are used to. The illegal immigration is deliberate and planned.
The serious money laundering is happening now in Ukraine right under our noses. The global rich elites will be fine, they have made sure their wealth is protected. This is to prepare themselves for the future. People think there is a war in Ukraine, it is a token war and it’s all about following the money.
However, what will happen in the future is much worse, digital currency will give them full control on what they will allow, what we spend our money on, because they will have full power and control of our finances. If your CO2 footprint exceeds what you are allowed, your electronic currency card will not work. You will not be able to argue with a machine. Does anyone actually believe an economy could be shut down by a pandemic?
Who is ‘they’ you say? I will tell you, the one world government. The conspiracy theory that people shrugged off when the pandemic hit us in 2019. It’s only when people wake up from their slumber will the dystopian world tell us the only way to fix this, for us all to be made poorer and have our rights and freedoms taken from us. This is happening right now, a massive distribution of wealth from the poor to the rich and our freedom taken from us.
Clive Taylor Sholl