Stephenson Way’s key stage 2 classes are competing against each other in a race to be crowned the most green-fingered class by cultivating tomato plants in their classrooms.
Each class received a small pre-planted pot at the beginning of May and were tasked with researching the crop in order to create the optimal growing environment for their plant.
Organised by the school’s gardening club, the competition has been successful in encouraging the whole school to become involved with the labours and joys of gardening on a small scale. Children throughout upper school have taken a great interest in the progress their plant has been making.
Members of each class have watered, pruned and nurtured the plants and the competition is looking to be a tight one, with several classes now featuring towering tomato plants.
The competition will not just be judged on size. The winning class will be the one who has presented the healthiest tomato plant, with the condition, amount of tomatoes and bushiness of the plant taken into account along with size.
As the competition enters its final weeks, the inter-class competition is really heating up with children eagerly eyeing up other classes plants and feverishly comparing them to their own.
Other than the pride of nurturing the biggest and healthiest plant, classes are also competing for a mystery prize that has been put on offer by the gardening club, to be won by the winning class. The competition will be judged in the final week of the school year.
Tomato Growing