A local baby and toddler group has held a party to celebrate its first birthday this week. “ Little Treasures” started up last May and is run by volunteers from Harvest Christian Centre in Woodham.
Running each Tuesday morning in termtime at Woodham Community Centre, the group has become popular with around 25 children attending each week. It caters for all pre-school children, with a baby area, crafts and singing as well as a range of play equipment and toys.
“Its been great seeing the group grow and friendships developing amongst children and adults alike” says volunteer Helen Forster.
“Mums, dads, grandparents and childminders all use the group and everyone is welcome. We still have room for more people, there’s no booking system, people just turn up on the morning”.
The group runs each Tuesday in school term time from 10.15am to 11.45am.
It costs £1.50 per child, 50p for siblings, under 6 months free. Contact Helen on 07761 832715 or helenc422@tiscali.co.uk for details.
Toddler Group’s 1st Birthday