To help raise money for fantastic charity “Meningitis Now”, in memory of Joanne McCourt, a Toddle Waddle was held at Neville Parade Methodist Church where all of the children took part in mini sponsored sports events. The children not only helped raise money they had a fantastic time in the process and they all received a medal and stickers. In addition to the sponsored Toddle Waddle there were various cakes for sale as well as face painting, a raffle, arts and crafts.
The toddler groups which are held every Monday and Thursday also kindly donated their weekly subs. The family of Joanne McCourt would like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved as we couldn’t have done it without you. A total of £240.00 was raised on the day however this amount is expected to rise considerably once all the sponsor money is collected
Toddle Waddle for Charity