£100 could be yours. Interested? Keep reading . . . What is your vision for Aycliffe? How would you like to see Aycliffe develop in the next 20 years?
The questionnaire will ask you about shops, the environment, housing, services and facilities, and much more.
Just complete the sections and topics that are most important to you. Try to be specific – if you have an issue in a certain area of the town please tell us where.
If you want to have your say and you work, live, or do business in Aycliffe, please take 10 minutes out of your day to complete the questionnaire inside. There is a pre-paid envelope enclosed for your convenience. These were purchased using a government grant at no cost to the Town Council or residents.
All entries returned by 10th October 2014 will be entered into a prize draw where you will have the chance to win £100, £50 or £25. Winners will be notified by Monday 20th October 2014.
Anyone in your household can complete the questionnaire, the more entries per household the better your chance of winning a prize, but please complete only one per person. Copies will be available from Great Aycliffe Town Council Offices, Oak Leaf Sport Complex, Oak Leaf Golf Complex, Library, Community Centres & Newton Press.
Businesses are encouraged to promote this to staff within the workplace. If you are a business and require further copies, contact Angela Corner.
You can also complete the questionnaire online via Great Aycliffe Town Council’s website, under the Neighbourhood Plan Section. In addition, a link will be placed on the Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan Facebook page.
Angela Corner Community Neighbourhood Engagement Officer explained the process: “This is an extremely important and exciting time for the public to have their say, be heard and have their issues addressed.
The feedback from the questionnaires will be analysed, from this we will gather the main issues highlighted by the public. A summary of the feedback will be reported through the Newton News, the Great Aycliffe Town Council Website, Social Media and via partner organisations and community groups.
Once we understand the priorities for the town, working groups will be set up to look at what options are available. Working groups will be comprised of experts in the relevant field, along with officers, and will be asking for 2 members of the public to come forward as additional representatives.
Notes of all of the Neighbourhood Plan meetings are available for public viewing on the Great Aycliffe Town Council website. We want this process to be transparent and involve the public every step of the way.
Not every issue can be dealt with via the Neighbourhood Plan therefore all non-planning issues will be collated and the evidence will be passed onto the most appropriate organisation. The public will be advised whenever this happens”
Christine Walton Corporate and Policy Officer added “A large amount of background work has been undertaken in preparation for the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire and here it is at last.
Your comments really are important and we do need your honest opinions – please take a positive view and think about the future, for this is the key point of Neighbourhood Plans. This document will shape development in Great Aycliffe for the next 20 years, so we need to be confident that we can deliver, within the restrictions placed upon us, the things that are important to you and your family”
1. It is a planning document which covers building and land use in Great Aycliffe
2. It will contain the vision for Aycliffe over the next 20 years
3. It is community-led and backed by evidence
4. It must have deliverable objectives
5. It must pass an Independent Examination
6. It must pass a referendum
If you would like any further information contact Angela Corner the Community Neighbourhood Engagement Officer on 01325 300700 or alternatively email
Angela Corner (right) and Christine Walton with Stuart Howarth of Newton Press as the Neighbourhood Plan comes off the printing machine.