Dear Sir,

With the local and county elections fast approaching, we are being bombarded with news articles, letters, social media posts and leaflets from the respective parties, all battling for seats on the town and county council.

People like myself are confused as to what’s going on, we are asking ourselves who to vote for and why.

I say now is the time for change!

As in the last general election and indeed in the local election for my ward last year, Labour were trounced at the polls. I was shocked and as a Labour voter and member, I had to ask myself why. The reason I believe is the people the Labour Party have chosen to represent us, either at local level or national level, are not good enough, they are not people orientated, they have what some call a ‘God like complex’ and believe they are never wrong, can do no wrong, and everyone else is wrong. They forget that to represent people is a privilege and not a right.

Some of the Labour representatives of this town no longer represent the town, or the people, they are so far detached from reality that they forget their position, which to all intents and purposes, is to do what we ask.

Coupled with the fact that some of them have said some very unsavoury things about residents of Aycliffe, and some of them believe that because they have served on the council for years, they have the right to belittle you. I think now is the time to give the Labour Party a bloody nose, vote for alternative candidates, that will listen to you – vote for people who are new and enthusiastic and want to help. Vote what is right for Newton Aycliffe, forgetting your political allegiances. It’s high time we have new blood on the council, and this is the time to do it!

Michael Murphy