Dear Sir,

As a senior member of the Conservative Party Local Election team, I wish to outline our ambitions and commitment to you for a better future.

We will work together as a team and make sure that the voice of Newton Aycliffe is heard at County Hall. Many of the people we speak to have told us Durham County Council does not listen to them. Other parties promise what they have always promised then follow the party line and fail to deliver. Meanwhile, we are in the top ten Councils in the whole Country for charges.


We must encourage active partnerships to further stimulate economic and social recovery post Covid, and we also see our role as holding the Government to account, (through our MP Paul Howell), and Durham County Council, (through local Councillors), making sure promises are kept.

We must also start to tackle the cause of anti-social behaviour, not the effect. We will work together with the police, community groups, and schools, to educate all on the consequences of anti-social behaviour. However, we must also find new and effective ways to punish serial offenders and/or their parents – after all, what we have been doing so far has not been working. Seeing so many young children litter picking and learning about the environment is wonderful, but heart breaking to find the next day they are having to start cleaning up all over again.

The Town Centre and other retail outlets in our area remain a major concern for all residents, highlighted by the recent announcements of local closures such as Barclays Bank and Argos. South Durham under Labour has suffered badly from a long history of poor retail planning, this despite Newton Aycliffe being the major town in the area. It is another unique opportunity for all progressive parties to unite and develop a radical, sustainable, new solution. We must decide the type of retail outlets, social and entertainment facilities that will be sustainable, while considering the ever-changing habits of society. Sticky tape and a coat or two of paint on existing facilities will not do. Substantial capital investment is needed and our role as local Councillors will be to campaign vigorously for levelling up funds to be used for major projects like this that will benefit all residents. Look at what is being achieved in new Conservative controlled areas next to us!

Local consultations with families, young and older residents is vital, and we must follow this up with local action to support solutions, especially in the ‘voluntary sector’ It is at local level where funding is most effective. The range of support and activities has been evolving over the last few years, sustained by individuals and dedicated teams who require a constant flow of funds to enable them to plan long term sustainable projects. One-off funding does not achieve this.

However, the Covid recovery gives us an opportunity to actively target and support local activities, especially those concerned with new technology, social isolation, health, and education priorities.

This last horrendous year has helped us all to focus on what is really important in our lives.

Between us, we offer a comprehensive range of experience, local knowledge and personal skills and believe our wonderful community can work together to achieve a better future for all, so NOW IS THE TIME FOR CHANGE.

David Sutton-Lloyd

Conservative candidate for Aycliffe North and Middridge