Durham Police Authority has been commended for its detailed planning and preparations to ensure a seamless handover of policing governance to the new Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), following local elections on 15th November this year.
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) recently assessed how the Police Authority is managing this major change, commenting “Durham has a clear transition plan, which is being managed through an established transition board, with representatives from the police authority, force and other key stakeholders, providing a good balance of knowledge, skills and experience. Partners have been kept informed through various (well-attended) meetings and events”. In the national report, HMIC specified Durham as “one of the most forward thinking police authorities nationally”.
Police Authority Members considered an update report on the handover to PCCs at a meeting of the Police Authority on Monday, which confirmed the next public PCC workshop will take place in Darlington on Tuesday 25 September 2012. The Police Authority will also hold a Briefing Day for declared PCC Candidates on 25th October.
The Authority have provided an ‘All you need to know about PCCs’ section on its website: www.durham-pa.gov.uk for prospective candidates, the public and partner organisations. If you are interested in attending the public event on 25 September, please contact the Police Authority on telephone 0191 383 5511 or email durham.pa@durham.gov.uk