Greenfield Arts is happy to welcome back some fantastic local artists who will be delivering more great courses for us this September.
Jeweller Lindsay Peter will be covering more advanced techniques in Wire Jewellery Making, building on the success of last term; however beginners are still welcome. Lindsay studied in Glasgow to make her stunning pieces; this is a great opportunity for local people to learn from her.
We also have an amazing textile printmaking course, with Anna Cole. This 4 week course will cover some basic techniques and give anyone interested the opportunity to experiment, creating your own fabric designs.
Anna studied textile design in London, and now has her own small creative business in the North East, she is keen to share her love of printing with local residents! To encourage participants to be as creative as possible both courses include all materials in the cost, and are a great starting point. Greenfield Arts is pleased to be able to offer these creative courses for the community.
In addition to these great creative courses we continue to offer a range of activities for the community such as yoga, painting & drawing, guitars, floral art and more. Enrolment week is at the start of September but it’s never too early to book a place. For information on all of our courses, visit our website:, or call us on 01325 379048.