Dear Sir,
‘The Winds of Change’ is the title of a sculpture at ‘Greenfield Arts’ and it was commissioned by local people in 2000 and created by Colin Wilbourn and David Paton. The timing was significant because it coincided with the opening of the community arts centre funded by The Arts Council and Great Aycliffe Town Council, at a cost of almost one million pounds. The scheme was linked to the establishment of Greenfield as a Specialist School, in both Performing and Visual Arts. Greenfield was one of the first six such schools in England. Coun. Bob Fleming played a significant role in securing permission from Durham County Council and G.A.T.C. to enable the project to proceed. The Arts Council regarded the concept as ‘the best example of its kind’ that they had received and, as an Arts College, the Arts Minister referred to Greenfield as ‘a standard for others to emulate.’ The project became the envy of other towns in County Durham and DCC later began to use the facility for their own promotional work in the UK and beyond.
During its lifetime Greenfield Arts has staged: Over 200 exhibitions including a Turner Prize winner (Lubain Himid 2007), three solo exhibitions by Norman Cornish, a national touring exhibition organised by HMI and including work by Grayson Perry. Six hundred thousand people have engaged with Greenfield Arts since its opening and other projects have included ‘Creative Partnerships,’ over 60 live performances alongside theatre groups and the Brass Festival. Greenfield trialled the ‘Arts Mark Award’ in Gold and Platinum. There have been dozens of local community arts projects involving communities and free holiday activities for young people including over 2,800 participants.
The latest exhibition staged by Elaine Vizor and Douglas Whittaker (90 this year) will sadly bring down the curtain. Circumstances, whoever/whatever they are have decreed that the Arts Centre will close. The demise of Bob Fleming and the Greenfield Arts Centre will both leave a huge chasm as the history of Newton Aycliffe is celebrated. Sadly, ‘the winds of change’ on this occasion will only signal the arrival of Philistinism, but the memories and lives of those who have been involved will remain enriched. Thank you to all of those who have enjoyed the opportunities presented by Greenfield Arts and the enduring flame of their ‘passion for the arts’ will hopefully remain undiminished.
Mike Thornton
Headteacher, Greenfield (retired)
The Wind of Change