Dear Sir,
Congratulations to the infant school pupil who won the competition to design the roundabout at Thinford! It is a fantastic concept on paper but who would have thought that an organisation would actually go and build it!
The whole roundabout system is flawed and dangerous. The lanes are confusing and the lights do not adjust to the flow of traffic in the main direction i.e. the A167.
You can sit at the lights and watch zero traffic come from other directions. At other times you cannot get onto the roundabout when your lights turn green because there is a queue of cars waiting for lights to turn green to move onto the next section.
The lanes approaching the roundabout are not clearly signed so you get cars in the inside lane, who should be turning left, carrying straight on causing other vehicles to adjust direction to avoid crashing.
The system was better before it was changed. In fact, why was it changed? I am sure there are other people who think the same as I do. I use this route almost every day and have done for the last 12 years.
Yes, there were times when traffic built up, but that is unavoidable. I can confidently state that I never had to wait at Thinford roundabout at 6.30 in the morning until the new roundabout and traffic light system was intalled.
Progress, I don’t think so!
Michael Wild