Would you like to become involved with a project that focusses on the Stockton and Darlington Railway? If so, come along to an event at Locomotion, NRM Shildon on Tuesday September 15th at 10.00 o’clock.
The project is called: Walking and Studying the Line and is funded by a Heritage Lottery Fund Award which was given to the Friends of the Stockton and Darlington Railway. The Friends recently put on a two day conference at Locomotion to debate the importance of the railway and the potential for a World Heritage Status bid in time for the 200th anniversary celebrations in 2025. This was attended by railway groups, local politicians including MP Phil Wilson and a range of national speakers including the director of the NRM.
To achieve our aims, we need everyone with an interest to help us collect information and identify the surviving parts and structures of the line. We wish to encourage everyone, from learned historians and railway enthusiasts to school children to participate. The survey work will involve researching archives and documents. It will also involve fieldwork, surveying and possibly archaeological excavations.
The project is designed to complement work being undertaken by Durham, Darlington and Stockton Councils, who are already looking ahead to the celebrations for 2025.
If you are interested in getting involved and attending the workshop, please contact:
Trish Pemberton
01388 833229
or Caroline and Niall Hammond
01833 650573
The Stockton And Darlington Railway Needs You