Dear Sir,
In last week’s Newton News, Cllr. Beetham advised that Sedgefield Labour Woman’s Forum was supporting The Red Box project. Being a supporter of Momentum/Labour she of course failed to mention that current EU Tax rules do not allow the British Parliament to reduce the rate of tax on women’s sanitary requisites. Why does she love the EU so much? What do we actually get for a nett payment of £8 Billion a year other than a £90 Billion trade deficit annually?
The above demonstrates why we need to take back control from the EU and decide our own priorities.
It is contended that older voters were more inclined to vote Leave than Remain. It is a fact that women have a longer life expectancy than men. That is there are more older women than there are men. It follows, therefore, that probably more women voted to Leave than voted to Remain. This being the case, Cllr. Beetham’s Facebook rant after the Brexit Vote (to the effect that Leave voters are morons and should be gassed!) was directed more at women voters than at men voters. I’m surprised that Sedgefield Labour Woman’s Forum have not debarred her! There again, her rant in the Northern Echo about only male volunteers being sought to play ‘Father Christmas’ may have endeared her to her radical Momentum/Remain supporters, many of whom presumably, ‘Liked’ her racist and sexist rant!
The Queen, in her Christmas address, asked for people to show more respect for opposing views. Clearly, the Queen was addressing Remainers who want another Referendum. We cannot stay in the EU without ignoring the result of the first Referendum! Anyway, a second Referendum cannot be democratic for the following reasons;
• The Electoral Commission is biased towards Remain.
• The BBC is pro-remain.
• It is impossible make sure that both sides have equal resources.
• Voting is not compulsory. A smaller turnout could not ‘trump’ the exceptionally high turnout in the first Referendum.
• There has been a witch hunt about the Leave campaign being helped by Russia (Fake News!) and backers are being investigated by the ‘Authorities’.
• We cannot trust our elected politicians not to ignore another Leave majority
• The Leave campaign would have to insist that every polling station is monitored by international electoral scrutineers as the Electoral Commission is biased and the Remainers cannot be trusted not to ‘rig’ the vote.
• The majority of the electorate, who believe in Democracy and respect the first Referendum result, would not vote.
Alastair P.G. Welsh
The Red Box & Brexit