Dear Sir,
The correspondent who last week raised concerns about the new viewing platform at the Cobblers Hall SUDS pond was absolutely correct to do so, and we thank him for his intervention.
The area, readers will remember, was designed as a Nature Reserve for ground-nesting birds, and the intention was that the public would be excluded. Also, early after its construction, the Town Council raised concerns about the danger of drowning, which led to us raising the height of the surrounding fence.
The Reserve has had a difficult start, notably when horses were illegally pastured there just after a specialised and expensive planting regime had been completed. With the vegetation either trampled or eaten, the Reserve has struggled to establish itself as we imagined, and it is still true that birds are rarely to be seen.
Nevertheless, in anticipation, last year we committed some of our Neighbourhood Budget to purchasing a viewing area, which was installed last month. Unfortunately, due to a misunderstanding regarding the specification, the viewing area was built without the necessary wire mesh which would allow people to see the Reserve, but not gain access to it.
We raised this problem as a formal matter on 30 April, and again as a matter of great urgency on 14 May. We stated that, if the delay was with funding the work, we would guarantee the funding and address that later – the priority had to be to get the work done as soon as possible.
Readers will have noticed that – actually on the same day the letter appeared in the Newton News – the blue container was removed, and the access made safe with heras fencing. We have reiterated our request that a suitable metal mesh be installed as quickly as possible, and trust that readers will see a result sooner rather than later.
However, we sincerely apologise that the matter was allowed to meander on until a member of the public had cause to raise the alarm in the local newspaper. One of the best things about the SUDS Nature Reserve is the way the public have taken it to their heart and look after it, and we thank them for their care in this.
If residents of Aycliffe North & Middridge ward have concerns about the Reserve or any other matter, they should please contact us.
• John D Clare – Phone: 03000 268 696 –
• Scott Durham – Phone: 03000 264 346 –
• Paul Howell – Phone: 03000 268 713 –