You are kind and loving, but there are times when you don’t feel that way, and that’s OK.
You are happy and outgoing, but there are times when you just want to be alone, and that’s OK.
You are always there for everyone, but there are times when you don’t want to be there for anyone, and that’s OK.
You are strong and independent, but there are times when you feel weak and afraid, and that’s OK.
You know you are loved, but there are times when you doubt it and need reassurance, and that’s OK.
You are positive and expect only the best, but there are times when you become negative and fear the worst, and that’s OK.
You are kind and considerate of others, but there are times when you are overly harsh on yourself, and that’s OK.
You are patient and understanding, but there are times when you expect more than others can give, and that’s OK.
You are compassionate, but there are times when you find yourself criticising the actions of others, and that’s OK.
You try to be spiritual, but there are times when you doubt and feel totally lost and alone, and that’s OK.
You strive to develop and grow, but there are times when you feel you have learn nothing, and that’s OK.
You seek stability in life, but there will come a time when you realise nothing stays the same and that’s OK.
You think you are complete, but the time will come when you recognise yourself as nothing more than a work in progress, and that’s OK.
The Little Buddha “And That’s OK”