Firstly, I have to announce that this rescue is closed to any new admissions for at least the time being. I have double my numbers in Rescue at the moment all of which are too small to release till the spring, my littlest is Charlotte who has been so poorly, it has taken two months of work to get her better, at just under 200grams she is a feisty little toddler. Also I am waiting to go into hospital for a hip replacement op, can I assure everyone who has brought hedgehogs in that I will continue to care for them here, if any leave the house my trust is with Denise, I know I can also count on Trev and the boys too, but I aim for a swift recovery.
Can I also ask people to make sure that if you see a hedgehog out during the day, they need help, whatever size they are, please don’t try and care for them yourselves, these mammals are very cute indeed, however, they are very complex and very difficult to diagnose. Every rehabber that I know understands that time is of the essence because medication takes a long time to have any effect on injuries and parasite burdens. When they come in sick, we have to create a stress free environment, minimal handling and quiet, if at all possible. What I would also like to say is that over recent years of doing this I have had to spend donations on food, medicine, a microscope, nebuliser and also heat pads, vet beds and cages, this has cost a massive amount of money, every bit worthwhile because it increases my chances of saving as many hedgehogs as possible. I don’t take it very well at all when I lose a hedgehog, I weep every time but I soldier on regardless because I, with the best will in the world, can’t save them all. I give it my best shot though.
A very special thanks go to Valerie and the members of the Friendship Club, last week they did a fundraiser for our poorly prickly pals raising £140.00. I still need to keep fundraising because these babies are going to still need food, etc till spring. Also thanks to June and Denise for their continued support and all the staff of the Pioneering Care Centre for inviting me and Sandra to their 10th December Christmas Fair, Sandra has a lot of hedgehogs that can’t be released till spring too, and it doesn’t come cheap. I am also still doing a Christmas Raffle and I have some lovely prizes on offer. If anyone would like to purchase a raffle ticket my email address is
Pictured is Becky, she came in last Wednesday night, still very small but doing ok, thank you Jane for picking her up, also thanks to Neil, yet again, for saving a little girl last Saturday afternoon, out in the day being pecked by magpies, both are ok but have some way to go.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society will help you locate a rescue so
please ring 01584 890801, Thank You.
The Hog blog