Busy, as usual and more hedgehogs coming in that are small and poorly, these however, are lucky, some aren’t so lucky. Over the last few weeks we have witnessed some hedgehogs that have died in the most awful circumstances, the causes are mostly poisons. They foam blood from their little mouths and it’s agony for them, rat poisons in the hands of amateurs isn’t acceptable, you kill a rat which is vermin you kill a hedgehog which is a mammal, all our hedgehogs want is to eat before the cold weather sets in so they can survive hibernation, can I remind everyone that they are on the red list for extinction.
Everyone, myself, Denise, June and another 1100 rehabbers are trying to reverse this downward trend, please help us to help them. There are some pictured on my Facebook page please take a look, Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel.
On a positive note, we have managed to release six from here last week.
These two little hogs pictured were found by June, probably the two I was looking for from Byerley Park School, very little so they will be here till spring. Both doing well.
Can I thank Lynne for sending for me on Sunday, she saw a little hedgehog being pecked by magpies, thankfully this hedgehog has not been injured, her timing was impeccable she has asked if I will name her Minnie, no problem, bless her she is doing well too.
Thanks also go to the scout centre for allowing us to use their room for fundraising for our prickly pals, donations from finders, also some lovely toys from Nyla, Noah and Lucas, Nancy, Bev and Jenny.
Also a special big thank you to Denise, June and Valerie, they are busy knitting some beautiful things to sell and all proceeds go to the many hedgehogs in this rescue. I am still doing a raffle, but my time here with these poorly babies has to take precedence.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society can be contacted 24/7 on 01584 890801.
The Hog Blog