It’s been an eventful week to say the least, this rescue has released four, admitted three, two of which are very small. Firstly on Saturday, Vivienne, who lives not too far from here, saw a baby hedgehog walking across the road, of course she brought her to me straight away, she has been named Lilibet in memory of our Queen! The name was chosen by June and Lorraine. Baby Lilibet is doing well but will have to be overwintered. On Sunday another little one came in, she was saved by Neil, he saw her and brought her straight in, she has been named Olivia. Neil and Caz came to see her Tuesday night she is also doing very well, she now shares her cage with Heather and Lilibet, best friends now. The happier they are in Rescue the better the outcome, also a debt of gratitude for the donation of food off Neil and Caz.
Can I also compliment all finders for getting these babies to me quickly, they have increased their survival odds significantly. All hedgehogs, babies included, are gaining weight, which is a sure sign of good health.
The last admission was mine, believe it or not, we have our own hog house in the back garden, I check on a morning around 7am and at night, yesterday I decided to admit a smallish hog because she had been there last week, when we had all the rain. I made the decision to bring her in on Monday night, Denise and I agreed it was for the best, as it turns out she has been the only visitor which tells me she is unwell, she wouldn’t have made it through the winter at the weight she is, of course now she is warm, well fed and receiving the medical treatment she needs. I have named her Connie after a very close friend of mine who passed away last week.
A special thank you to Kelly of McDonald’s for her kind donation of goodies for the rescue Christmas Raffle, the raffle tickets will be on sale soon. I am also attending Lindisfarne Care Home sale on Saturday 17th, the Gardeners Guild fundraiser the week after and on the 1st of October the Scout Hall has been booked too. Fundraising is very important to keep the medical supplies in, food, bedding, anything these little hogs need even when we overwinter, all rescues continue to admit, wherever necessary, 12 months of the year.
Tip of the Week: The little hog pictured is Lilibet, she has been injured somehow, some of her spines have had the tops sheered off, I suspect a power tool, please check before you use any power tools, September babies are out, hiding in your hedges and bushes, so please check first.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society can be contacted on 01584 890801.
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