It’s been a very busy week admitting and releasing some hedgehogs that were ready to go, Rani, Demi, Jimmy and Buster all released, Jimmy and Buster had a broken rear leg each so they have gone to a safe garden in Hartlepool which is support fed and watered, with a little luck there may be a few females too, all releases went very well.
The admissions here are from Durham, Hilary. Middridge, three baby boy hoglets, Dusty, Misty and Teddy, very little but doing well and finally, on Sunday a little girl from Aycliffe called Penny. Thank you all for getting them to me quickly, and for donations which are appreciated. Thanks also to Lorraine Elliott, she managed to help Dusty, Misty and Teddy’s finders get in touch with me.
Another big thank you to Valerie and June. June has sat and made some beautiful blankets for our babies and they love them, also teddies, every hoglet gets a teddybear.
I have also been invited to the Northern Bygones Classic Car Show on Sunday, thank you Paul and Karen for letting me be there. Lots of goodies and info available for everyone, not forgetting our summer raffle tickets on sale. All proceeds go to these lovely mammals.
Please say ‘Hi’ to all of my tinies in Rescue. These were out alone without mum, they will be here for quite some time to come, all between 100-150 grams, far too small to defend themselves.
If you see a Hedgehog this size out alone, please ring The British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801. Or your local vet has rescue telephone numbers.
The Hog Blog