Great news, slug pellets are officially banned, please refrain from using them because if you kill a slug using this poison then you will also kill a hedgehog, a totally unnecessary waste of these precious little lives which are now endangered and at risk of extinction because of, mostly, our own actions.
I also appreciate that, with the onset of Easter, people will be gardening, weather permitting of course. If that’s the case please check before you use power tools to cut or strim your garden, there may be hedgehogs where you least expect them to be, they don’t run, they freeze in tight balls, they don’t even cry out unless in extreme pain. Ponds need to be safe so a hedgehog can get out, ramps along the outside edge work well and finally, sports nets need to be raised so these little ones can pass through your gardens without injury, they are only looking for food.
We will be releasing our overwintered prickly friends very soon, finders will be contacted, the weather needs to be a lot nicer though.
Tip of the week: If you see a hedgehog out during the day this behaviour is far from normal, please get advice from The British Hedgehog Preservation Society their number is 01584 890801.
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