What a week it has been! I hope everyone has been reading and enjoying this little article and anyone who has Facebook can also keep up-to-date with this rescue which is looking forward to a new year of helping more of these beautiful creatures.
To update on Mitzi, doing well and growing stronger everyday but still has some spines yet to come through but there is still some time to go before the weather changes for the better and they can be released.
One thing I can say is that just because these are wild animals they still feel ill, they come in with all sorts of problems, feel the cold, pain, etc etc and us rescuers see it all.
I have even seen a hog with tears because he was safe and comfy here. They have a lot to contend with in the wild and we are responsible for some of the bad things that happen to them and I see them as vulnerable, not wild in the slightest.
Here is an example of a brilliant rescue, on Sunday a lovely couple brought a lovely hog in who was clearly in distress, out in the day time, which never should happen to nocturnal mammals. She had woken up hungry, thirsty and disoriented from hibernation. Jane and Selwyn picked up this hog and took her indoors and warmed her through then sought my help.
She is very thin but healthy, but what is astonishing is that she isn’t a young hog, she is maybe 5 years old considering the awful things they have to put up with in the wild. All hoggies in here are very special in their individual way because we have to work hard to keep them alive. But, here she is, Jane and Selwyn have named her Molly! Settling well and gaining weight too, she likes Brambles Hedgehog Meat.
Can I also mention another lady who is always on hand to help us rescuers, Katrina, and her mum, another lady called Jane. She always watches out for our prickly pals, so thank you. All help and donations are very much appreciated, I try to graciously accept because it’s all voluntary and helps me feed and medicate these lovely creatures.
Tip of the Week: Please get help for hedgehogs in trouble by ringing The British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801, my email: pricklyhaven@yahoo.com and, if you want to keep up with hoggies on Facebook, it’s Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel.
The Hog Blog