It has been brought to my attention that there are people in the Shafto Way, Fowler Road, Mellanby Crescent area of the town who are marking hedgehogs quite badly, I have also heard of somebody in the Woodham Village area doing the same thing, this is making these beautiful creatures visible to predators.
There is nothing to be gained in marking these mammals in such a way. I have rescued many hedgehogs, big and small, and it is very distressing to see them in pain and distress, on regular antibiotics and pain treatment to ease their suffering and help them recover. It’s a difficult thing we do but we do this because we love these mammals and they deserve our help not hindrance.
I want to express thanks to Jenny, Marie, Amy, Mary, June, Marlene and Valerie for their help with some lovely gifts and help with the tombola, and Jackie for making a special trip here to donate some lovely items for our stall on Saturday, some lovely Christmas things for sale and a raffle, even Tesco’s Shirley has donated to our raffle.
Please come and say hello and support our little hogs.
Tip of the Week: If you see a hedgehog, whatever its size, out during the day, please pick him or her up, they need your help. Also little hogs, we call them September babies, may also be out there, they won’t survive the winter, they need rescuing. If they hibernate they will certainly die, all rescues are full of babies at present and we are doing our best to get them indoors.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society can be reached on 01584 890801 or Facebook Hedgehog Rescue.
The Hog Blog