The winter months are almost upon us, the nights are getting darker as the clocks go back an hour in a few weeks time. I would like readers of this article to spare a thought for our wildlife, especially when it’s cold and wet, surprisingly there are still very small hedgehogs out there, please be vigilant especially when you let your dogs out in your gardens at night, check for hoggies first before letting your dogs out. Hedgehogs need to build up fat reserves for hibernation. Dogs have been just one of their many enemies, we have a responsibility to all our wildlife.
Prickly Haven Rescue is now over-wintering small or poorly hedgehogs, hibernation is out of the question for my rescue hoggies.
It’s been a very difficult year for every rescuer, we have seen them come in with multi parasite burden, predator attacks and also orphaned babies. My smallest at the moment is Hermione, 235g, out alone (see photo).
If anyone needs any help or advice, I run the rescue from home and my email address is – otherwise ring The British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801 office hours.
The Hog Blog