There are babies everywhere, it’s been very busy, as you can gather, but fortunately my friends and allies have helped me in many many ways, so no small babies or juveniles go without the help that they need and deserve, Sue and Peter, Pat and Fred also Sore Paws for making sure that no hedgehog goes without help.
I would like to thank June and Joyce for bringing lovely Gillie, pictured, Tuesday night, she is far too small to be out, just like Holly, who is the same weight, and finally our smallest one so far is beautiful Misty, who was brought in half an hour before Holly, at a mere 145 grams. They will all be watched very carefully because of their health difficulties, if any, won’t show themselves straight away. Most rehabbers are however running out of space, that’s assuming they haven’t already, we are all pulling together to make sure no orphaned Hoglet or Juvenile is without a safe haven till they recover and ready to go back to their gardens.
Thanks go also to Gillian, June, Valerie, Mary, Alida and Joyce for goods for the rescue car boot sale and monetary donation from June who without her these little ones would not get five star accommodation and medical help.
Tip of the week: Please leave some water and food out, dehydrating hedgehogs are a very common problem and whilst the weather is unpredictable food can be in short supply too. If help or advice is needed please ring The British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801 or visit the hedgehog street app or my email