We would like our readers to be aware of the dangers our hedgehogs face out in the wild and a lot of them are caused by ourselves. If they are lucky and get picked up, they come to rescue centres where any health issues are addressed either here or with the help of our local vet, and get a second chance at life.
We have in Rescue a lovely hog called Marley. He came in last Friday night after a call from Alicia, it wasn’t until Saturday I realised he had a severe parasite burden and a compound fracture. Also Freddie, who has had a very poorly paw for a month, it has been so badly swollen but now the swelling has settled it has revealed an exposed bone. Then on Sunday, little Barry who also has a front paw issue, quite a nasty paw too and he is only little still. They are all in need of the vets attention, whilst they are in a lot of pain they take their antibiotics and never cry out or bite, they are a very resilient species of mammal and a pleasure to help.
We have put out an appeal on our Facebook page for anyone who wants to help us with the vet costs, any amount, however small, will be much appreciated. Tara and I take nothing for granted so we will also be doing car boot sales over the next few weeks to make sure the finances can handle any unexpected emergencies, we all know by experience how vet bills can spiral out of control and you can’t get insurance for wildlife! We also have regular supporters, if it weren’t for them we wouldn’t be able to afford Marley’s amputation, firstly Alicia’s donation, Bev, some beautiful items, that to be honest are too good for any car boot sale, Valerie and June for knitted items and lots of other help too, thank you and not forgetting our finders, they donate too.
Please be watchful when out, make sure your pet or your children don’t hurt them, we get many through here that have some terrible dog bites and spines missing.
Thank you, Tara, Tyra and Maxine.
Tip of the Week: It’s mating season and nesting mums will be in your garden under hedgerows and bushes, please check before using any gardening equipment. If you need help, advice or a rehabber The British Hedgehog Preservation Society can be reached on 01584 890801, our email address is prickly haven@yahoo.com or our Facebook page is Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel.
The Hog Blog