The weather is getting colder and as the ground hardens hedgehogs will not be able to forage for food so hibernating is their only option, even when they are supposed to be hibernating, they can still wake up briefly feeling hungry, their food supply is still very low so if you can put some food and water out or make it possible for them to pass through your gardens using a hedgehog portal by cutting a hole in the bottom of your fences about the size of a Compact Disc (approx 5 inches).

Its crucial that they have the necessary fat reserves so they wake up next year, maybe about March/April time, if you think you have seen an autumn juvenile who isn’t big enough to get through the toughest time of year please, pick them up, wrap a hot water bottle containing warm water in a towel, keep them warm and seek advice, please find useful numbers and Facebook sites at the end of this article.

Meanwhile in this rescue centre, and others across the UK, our work continues, any underweight or unwell hedgehogs will be kept warm to prevent them from hibernating, our most recent hoggie has been brought to us from Pauline of NASSL, we have called him Pudsey, he has been here just over a week now and is eating and settling very well, can I also thank Viv and Roy Gibson for being the most outstanding fosterers, had it not been for them four babies would have surely died in the cold, all hedgehogs will remain here now for the foreseeable including Pudsey, we also have the Hogwarts four, courtesy of Ian, Hester, Hazel, Hagrid and Hermione who has been very unwell but seems to be recovering well and eating again, she has had intestinal fluke and a bacterial infection which kill hedgehogs, especially little small ones like Hermione (pictured).

As I have mentioned, we need to continue our work and fundraising is a necessary part of Rescue and Rehabilitation so on Saturday we attended the Community Spirit Christmas Fair at the Big Club, your support was phenomenal and all proceeds go to these beautiful mammals food and general care needs for the next few months. Can I also thank Eddie for his generosity because he has sent some Brambles hedgehog biscuits.

British Hedgehog Preservation Society 01584 890801

Cleveland Hedgehog Preservation Society on Facebook they have all rehabbers numbers on their page or your local vet for the more urgent cases, please don’t email, especially when it’s an urgent situation.