I can’t express how grateful I am to everyone who has supported this rescue, firstly Trevor for dropping off a very generous donation, to Donella, Wally, Wendy and Mandy of Grannies Choice, Julia and everyone who has participated with my scratch card, Angie, Gemma, Jackie and John, the list is endless.
We have had a lot of positive interest in the house, so I would like to take the opportunity to thank Russell, Claire and Ellie for being amazing, I strongly recommend them. When we move I will benefit greatly by not having to circumnavigate stairs, also a proper environment for the hedgehogs, I really love these beautiful mammals and I aim to provide them with the very best in comfort and care, it will also make my life easier too.
All the hedgehogs in rescue are ok, doing well too, however, releasing is not going to happen anytime soon so, with daily cleaning and monitoring, I can determine which ones are getting stressed due to captivity, it’s been a question of acting if need be.
I would also like to thank Angela, Ed, Riccardo, Giorgio and Elaine of Grange Vets. They furnish me with some really life saving meds. However, there is one hoggie here that is extremely stubborn and won’t unball to take his meds, he was brought in by Kim from School Aycliffe, he is definitely a first, he has come to me to get better and is ok now, it’s a real battle, which I win. Here he is at nearly 1000 grams. He is beautiful, isn’t he?
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society are still taking calls on 01584 890801. My Facebook page is Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel or email: pricklyhaven@yahoo.com