I’m very grateful to everyone who has participated in my fundraising raffle for a beautiful Home Made Christmas Cake, there is a picture on my Facebook page, also Donella, Wally, Mandy and Wendy are also selling raffle tickets which are £1 a strip.
I have 23 in here, varying in size, that will have to remain ‘til spring now, my newest admission came in from Grange Vets on Friday, she is called Autumn, at 330 grams she is too small to hibernate. Hedgehogs need to be 600 grams minimum to go into torpor and wake in spring.
This is why fundraising is essential now, these lovelies need to be fed and cared for, cleaned twice a day and fresh food and water too. I am very unhappy about us not finding a suitable bungalow as yet, because I have health issues, I have to move cages around to clean them all properly, some even spend the night in the kitchen because I was hoping for better conditions for them and for me because I love these little mammals and won’t give up caring for them.
June and Valerie are doing St Clare’s Christmas Fair on the 30th November, thank you both, and I have also managed to book a table at the Pioneering Care Centre on Sunday 1st December, I look forward to getting out and about to hand out leaflets and advice to our Hedgehog supporters.
Thank goodness the fireworks have finished, the noises they make have frightened some of my little ones, some have had to start treatment, what I need people to know is that their hearing is very sharp, my rescue is in the house, so they are surrounded by bricks and mortar, but they have been very alarmed nevertheless. I have seen a very little hog, Holly, this years baby, be so unwell, it’s heartbreaking to watch her and worry about her along with little Maggie, Dylan and Willow, all this years babies. In fact, most of the hedgehogs I have are this year’s babies!
Pictured below is little Autumn, from Angela and Elaine of Grange Vets, she is very lovely bless her, she likes to be fussed over.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society can be reached on 01584 890801. My Facebook page is: Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel, Email: pricklyhaven@yahoo.com
The Hog Blog