Thank you to everyone who has participated in my fundraising scratch card recently, the winners are Natalie Galbraith who won £30 and Cath has won the Christmas Cake. Can I also thank Barry Robinson for donating two beautiful dog cages, these are brand new, he has asked me to sell them and the money should go to the hedgehogs, please email me if you would like to buy one, they are quite exceptional.
I have 22 hedgehogs here and they are very small, from Holly, under 300 grams to Blondie 800 grams. They will have to remain here ‘til spring. They have had some health issues due to the noises the fireworks make, thankfully they should be ok now.
Can I also thank Donella, Wally, Mandy and Wendy of Grannies Choice and also the very kind person who purchased some puppy pads for my hoggies, I particularly like these puppy pads because they fit nicely into the cages I use.
Also, a thank you to Lesley and Steve of School Aycliffe, they took some hedgehogs to be released that were found there, they were given a clean bill of health.
As you can see, the amount of people I have to thank is very long so, before I go any further, I can’t forget Paul and everyone at Newton Press for getting this article to you. Our hedgehogs need our help all year round whether in rescue or in the wild, some hibernate, some don’t, every day I keep my outside feeding station / nesting box full of food and water, but the hedgehogs in rescue are kept indoors and are cleaned, checked and fed twice a day, I will have to continue with this routine ‘til spring, they all will be fine.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society number is 01584 890801, they have my number. My Facebook Page is Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel, and my email address is:
Photo: Here is Teddy, he is from Silverdale Place, he is enjoying his time here and his food, as you can see.
The Hog Blog