Eventful week again in rescue, some very small and poorly hedgehogs here, most of them are on the mend now, thankfully. Some poor souls have been victims of bird attacks and have not survived and this is heartbreaking to say the least, one such sad case was poor Conker. I collected him from Olwen last Saturday morning, I popped him in a nice warm bed to discover he had a single puncture wound to the right hand side of his throat, whilst he was breathing in the air was leaving the hole and not getting to his lungs, I took him to the vets at Darlington and it was kinder to end his suffering, myself, Giorgio and Elaine were really upset, he wasn’t very old, he was this years baby, that’s all.
On Friday, I was called to Stephenson Way School, a little girl out in the day 350g. On Sunday, I admitted two, Karen brought Hattie, a big girl at 575g and, to the naked eye, she looks fine. However later that day it became obvious to me that she had come out during the day because she has an upset tummy, treatment started, she will be fine, hopefully, and, finally, a very poorly boy came in, bless him he is very small, but covered in fly eggs, because of everyone’s donations I was able to purchase a suction machine, this has proved a lifesaver, he was the first little one to try it, well worth the money, he is very unwell, but I am doing everything I can for him.
Thank you to everyone who has made donations, Karen, Olwen, Joan and also John and June Berry, the list is endless, thank you all for making it possible for me to keep these beauties out of harms way and in the warm. All of these are too small to be released now and the bigger ones still have health issues and by the time they are well enough it will be too cold and damp to release them.
Can I also thank our Tesco Community Champion Shirley for allowing me to come into the store on Saturday 12th October to raise awareness and some much needed funds too, so please come and see me.
If you see a hedgehog out during the day please contact The British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801. My Facebook Page is Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel, email: pricklyhaven@yahoo.com – not to be used in emergencies please.