Just when you feel you are at a point of recovering from past events another tragedy struck me last week. A few months ago I sent a couple of my hedgehogs to Cockfield to be placed into soft release, that I understood was safe. This was not the case at all because a badger managed to rip the wire and got inside the soft release and killed a hog, it was merciless, horrific and extremely painful for the poor soul who couldn’t escape, one of mine, Autumn, managed to escape because she was a small female, a mere 600 grams. Bless her she hasn’t been seen since.
I have cried lots of tears recently for these poor souls and as I have explained in previous articles they don’t have it easy, in fact it’s quite distressing to see them poorly when I bring them into my home to care for them and hope I can save them from whatever they suffer from.
It’s hard enough what I do, I admit, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate so we can release back to the wild and we hope that they stay safe and explore, they clean your gardens of the nasties that kill your plants etc., but people put slug pellets down and pesticides, there really isn’t any need for it, your visiting hedgehog will do it free of charge and all they ask in return is some kitten biscuits and water which is cheaper than weed killers.
I have admitted quite a few in recent weeks and I am happy to say that they are all doing well, even little Angel (pictured) who fell down a drain, she is doing very nicely but she and a lot of others are too small to leave as yet, some may need overwintering including Belle from Bluebell Close, thanks Steph for bringing her in and also another tiny girl, I have named her Bubbles, she has come from a farm that has a badger presence in Darlington, she is too small to even be without her mum. I have advised her finder that she needs overwintering and re-releasing somewhere safer.
On a brighter note, I decided to try my first scratch card and it was a phenomenal success, I have even paid my vets bill. Thank you all for your support. I work to very high standards for these poor souls. Also, I have been invited to Defoe Court Nursing Home to talk about our prickly friends which I am looking forward to immensely.
I have six releases leaving the rescue, thank you Lesley, Steve, Pat and Fred for allowing them to leave captivity from your beautiful hedgehog friendly gardens.
If you see a hedgehog out in the day she is not ok, please ring the British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 899801. My Facebook page is Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel, email: pricklyhaven@yahoo.com