I am still pretty busy here with a record number of hoglets I have ever had in rescue at any one time, getting to 14 and they are all under 200 grams in weight. I continue to fundraise, because it is essential, hoglets take a lot of my time and money giving them the special care, including four hourly feeds, day and night, so consequently, I am knackered.
Despite being very tired, I am out and about fundraising, last Sunday I did the Scout Hall Car Boot Sale, I want to thank the people who took the time to question me and make purchases and donations. It all goes into their bank account for food and meds. If you can make a donation I will be eternally grateful. Please either look at my Facebook Page or email me. Details are below.
On Saturday I have been invited to take part in the Petting Zoo, thank you Keith! Lots of lovely items for sale, thanks go to June, Valerie and Carole for her lovely gifts. Can I add that the time I spend on these babies in rescue is free, it’s also very hard work.
Pictured above is Baby Biscuit, she came in over the weekend from Middleton St George, she has just been syringe fed, if you have given me a hedgehog or three over the last week or so let me assure you that they are warm, comfy and well fed and if they have been unwell they would have started treatment to help them recover.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society telephone number is 01584 890801
My Facebook page is Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel, my email is: pricklyhaven@yahoo.com
The Hog Blog