Just a quick one this week, because I am so busy with all sorts of stuff being a wife, mum and rescuer with lots on the go. It has been quite distressing recently because hogs have been coming into rescue too far gone to save. They have lasted hours, rehabbers need days for meds to have any kind of positive effect, I am thankful that I am prepared for any eventuality, thanks go to Grange Vets for keeping me stocked up and prepared for anything.
I want everyone to remember this, out in the day, not ok! Pick up hedgehog, put in a high sided box then make a couple of phone calls.
On a positive note, all mums and hoglets are doing very well, Goldie had six, but three didn’t survive, Annie had three and two didn’t survive. Baby Bella is still in the incubator and also doing well, she can see and hear now, 68 grams in weight.
I am still trying to do a fundraiser and a raffle and have lots of lovely prizes, Donella, Wally, Wendy and Mandy have a raffle book at Grannies Choice if you visit them, at the moment I am so tired because Bella needs four hourly feeds during the night, but not for much longer because she is cutting teeth. Here is a picture of Goldie and her three babies, cute eh?
Should anyone like to help me keep them safe, healthy and well fed, any donation, large or small, is a big help to me, also in the cage next to Goldie is Annie, her baby girl is also doing well. Can I also welcome Summer, she has been in a very short time and she also may be pregnant! Thanks go to Ken for bringing her in.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society Telephone Number is 01584 890801. My Facebook page is Prickly Haven Hedgehog Rescue.
Thank you.
The Hog Blog