Happy New Year to everyone, I hope you have had a lovely festive break.
It’s been business as usual here in rescue, in fact I have never overwintered so many, it has been so unusual to admit little ones, especially in December. I, however, admitted two little girls, firstly Holly on the 16th of December, thank you Joan for getting her out of harms way and getting her to me, she is doing very well and is treatment free. Also, last Thursday, another little girl, she is from Durham, her finder is a teacher from The Oaks Secondary School, we have named her Pixie, this poor little hog has a round worm burden in her intestines, like Holly, to look at them both you would think they are healthy but this is really not the case, this is why rehabbers need to admit as soon as they have been seen out in the day and alone. Time is of the essence if we have any chance at all of saving them.
Most hedgehogs, hopefully, will be hibernating, some will awaken periodically to eat so please help them and keep the food and water topped up, kitten kibble, which is high in fat, Tesco own brand is perfect and very reasonably priced.
This is why I thank Angela, Elaine and Ed of Grange Vets, it’s very rare for us rehabbers to take a hog to the vet because I have all the necessary treatments here and we have mutual cooperation when it comes to prescription medication. Each hedgehog needs individual treatments depending on their illness and size.
At the moment I am cleaning them twice daily, 6 on a morning, 10 cages and 6pm. I have that many cages I have to move three into the kitchen so I can have the space to move around the other seven to clean, change bedding, food and water. I am very tired, to say the least, but pressing on regardless.
Because I have so many, and I am so tired, there are no fundraising opportunities on the horizon, 26 in rescue doesn’t come cheap, but if anyone who reads this can help me in any way with a small donation please drop me an email. I know it’s the worst time to ask with everyone recovering from Christmas in financial terms etc but I have to ask for their sakes. Bless them, they are such sweet creatures who will need to remain here until spring.
Can I thank Donella, Wally, Wendy and Mandy, of Grannies Choice, for selling raffle tickets which raised £45. I like to get puppy pads and kitchen roll from them because they help me clean cages quicker, especially on a morning, it takes me an hour and a half to clean them all out so they can have a comfy restful sleep that day.
Here are some useful contact details:
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society telephone no is 01584 890801
My Facebook page is Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel
Email pricklyhaven@yahoo.com
Pictured is Holly right and Pixie left having a lovely dinner.
The Hog Blog