A massive thank you to Margaret Willis for inviting myself and Sandra, of Darlington Hedgehog Rescue, to the Christmas Fair last Saturday, Myself, Sandra, and lots of rehabilitators across the country, are experiencing an unprecedented amount of babies coming into rescues with big health problems due to drinking dirty water out of desperation and also being washed out of their nests.
I, myself, am having to overwinter double the amount I am used to and at the last count, 27, which is a lot of work and I am not prepared to release any of them due to the weather conditions. There is no dry bedding and soon we will be experiencing some frosty weather which will cut off their food supply, that is when some hibernate. Please help them by feeding our wild hedgehogs so they get the fat reserves they need to wake up in the spring.
Also a big thank you also to June, Valerie and everyone who came to make donations and purchases, your support is invaluable, this has enabled me to purchase food and medicines for these lovelies. They are very complex little souls and some things don’t come cheap.
A special mention to Thank the Friendship Club for donating to our fundraising sale at the Phoenix Club last Thursday which raised £152 which has bought food and medicine for our hedgehogs until they are released in spring.
Also thanks to Angela, Ed and Elaine of Grange Vets for their support, help, advice and prescription meds, they help me save as many hedgehogs as I can.
Finally, I will be in Tesco raising awareness and funds this Friday, the 24th, 27 hedgehogs don’t come cheap, please come and say hi and ask any questions about our prickly friends. I was persuaded to do a Christmas Raffle, prizes are being sorted as best I can, if you can help in any way please drop me an email to the address below.
Thank you everyone and take care.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society number is 01584 890801. My Facebook page is: Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel.