It’s been a very busy time here so I was unable to do last week’s blog. Things are still busy and I have had to adapt the way I care for our prickly babies. I have more here than ever, too little for release, even the bigger ones would struggle out there so no releases for the foreseeable, it’s far too damp.
Currently I have nine cages occupied, the majority of the hedgehogs here are treatment free but need to be overwintered. Recently I have admitted three, Penny from Brenda who is doing ok and two from Grange Vets, firstly Aimee came in at 279 grams, out in the day and she is doing great, secondly Molly, who was dreadfully unwell so she went to Darlington Grange Vets, she is nearly a kilo at the moment, however, she not only has a severe parasite burden but a visual impairment too, I am watching all these poorly ones very closely.
Every rescue in the area, and across the country, are overwhelmed with poorly hogs out in the day and also little ones that won’t survive hibernation, we are doing our level best to make sure they all get the help they need.
Sandra and I will be raising funds for our rescues at The Methodist Church Hall this Saturday, we could do with all the support we can get to help these hoggies, food, meds etc, please come and see us. June and Valerie have been amazing, lots of lovely things all hand-made for Christmas.
Finally, Shirley, our Tesco Community Champion, has allowed me to spend some time in store on Friday 24th November, it will be lovely to see you all there
Here is Molly, quite happy and settled here, but has some way to go.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society number is 01584 890801.
My Facebook Page is:
Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel
Email, which is not to be used for poorly hogs, is:
The Hog Blog