Firstly, can I thank the following people for their help in keeping these little babies alive and well whilst here in this rescue. June and Valerie for their continued support, also Lesley and Neil for some beautiful vet bedding, Liz and Tracy for their kind donation and finally a lovely young lady called Josslyn who is making key rings to sell to make money for our rescue. Thank you all.
It’s uncommon to have babies brought to rescue but this is very commonplace at the moment, last week Jackie, John and Linda saved two babies called Itsy and Bitsy, they have been in the incubator since arrival but their weight is on the increase. When they get bigger they can be moved into a lovely cage with the other babies that have come in over the recent days; Dottie from Spennymoor and Sweetie from Durham just arrived today, all under 200 grams.
Now that autumn is upon us any hedgehogs in Rescue need to be 600 grams to be released. I have very few left of that weight but there is still time left.
Can I ask finders to make sure that if they see a hedgehog that looks small, out in the day or both, needs to seek help from a rescue, we are getting so many that don’t get to us quick enough making it very difficult to keep them alive, this is distressing for us to say the least. We all have to play our part in halting their extinction and helping their numbers recover because they are fantastic assets to our gardens.
Finally, I have seen on social media that rat poison has been spread on some land adjacent to the A167, a lot of dead rats have been discovered, this is an illegal act and rat poison can kill not just rats but hedgehogs, owls and other wildlife, whoever is doing this please stop.
Photo shows Itsy and Bitsy, cute, eh?
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society can be contacted on 01584 890801 (24hrs). When I get a chance to update my Facebook page it is Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel.
Not to be used in emergencies please.