Eventful doesn’t even come close! I have some wonderful news for you all, the little hedgehog, that a vet at Sore Paws told the finder to let her back out into the wild, turned up on Sunday and then, some hours after, her sibling also showed up, they are both here and doing really well, they both weighed in at 147 grams each, far too young to be without mum alone, especially in these weather conditions, they have been named Holly and Molly.
I would also like to tell readers of this blog that the dynamics of rescuing has changed, especially for me. I want to tell you about my plan. I am seeking to add a proper place at the back of the house to run the rescue from. I have lots of new equipment, bedding, meds and also I need to make sure that everything I use needs to be in one place so I am looking for a builder to help me sort this, I will keep you posted.
A special thanks to Ann and Bill for their donation. It has helped me keep these babies tummies full, also some releases have happened today, Muffin by Lesley and Steve, Alice, Elaine and Kev and Stevie to Ann and Martin, happy travels to them all.
Can we spare a thought for Nancy, she is going through a very difficult time at the moment, she found a little hedgehog and she is now in Rescue, also it may cheer her up to know her little hog is making progress.
Hope to see you all at the Petting Zoo this Saturday. Take care, pictured above is little Holly
Can I remind you all not to email me about poorly hedgehogs, it’s very late when I get a chance to read them, ring this number instead, The British Hedgehog Preservation Society 01584 890801. Our Facebook page is: Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel.
Email: pricklyhaven@yahoo.com