It’s busy as usual and baby season is in full swing still, I have two hoglets that need hand rearing, they weight 30g each and they need full nursing care, no sight or hearing at this young age, they are dependent on me for everything to keep them alive.
Good news for Penny, she managed to break her back leg somehow, she is a Darlington lady, she has survived an amputation and is making good progress, a special thank you goes to Angela, Elaine and staff at Grange Vets, for not only performing this operation but also for the care they gave her in my absence last week.
Holly is doing well, all are going to be fine and will go on to be released at some point very soon, Robyn is doing well as is Tiny, but they have a bit to go yet.
Thanks go to Stephanie who is selling some plants, all funds come to my Prickly Babies. Also to Joyce.
At the moment I am awake in the small hours to keep my hoglets well fed, Amelia is pictured, doing well but they are not out of the woods yet.
Here is the British Hedgehog Preservation Society Telephone number 01584 890801.
My email is:
The Hog Blog