It has been very busy this last few days with admitting and releasing. I have taken in little ones from all over the district and I want to thank all finders for getting them to me quickly and for donations towards their care. They are all doing well but still have some way to go. I have admitted Daisy, Lilly, Amber, Penny and Summer.
Myself, Trevor and the boys found Summer on the A167 northbound on Monday morning by the Gretna, of course she was brought home and admitted, she is quite unwell but I am keeping an eye on her. Also, poor Amber came in last Saturday night from Barnard Castle with a really poorly back leg, flystrike was already doing it’s nasty work. I discovered that her back leg was broken so she has had it amputated today, she will do better without it. Angela and Elaine of Grange Vets conducted the work, here she is (pictured) post op.
Can I ask everyone to think of our wildlife please, I see them come here and they are so unwell it breaks my heart to see them like I do, the ground is dry, there isn’t any food or water and by the time I get them here sometimes they are well past saving.
We all have a responsibility for our animals, wild or otherwise, but these hedgehogs have it really hard out there and it’s mostly our doing, let’s stop to think about baby season and people not checking before using power tools, also netting, many a hedgehog has died being attacked by predators whilst they are trapped; unable to escape. It doesn’t bear thinking about. I have had dogs and cats as family pets but my heart is with these beautiful creatures always and I am glad that I can help them in their hour of need.
Thanks to June and Val for their support, June celebrates her birthday soon, Happy Birthday June!
Can I also ask people to ring the number below if they find a hedgehog in trouble.
Emails don’t work because I am very busy with all sorts of things, rescue and family etc. Can I also advise you all that rescues are very stretched at the moment, poor Dawn of a Prickly Problem is working alone at the moment and Sandra of Darlington Rescue is closed. If you need help with a poorly hedgehog there’s a website called, take a look or ring the number below.
Thank you.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801.
The Hog Blog