To begin with I want to thank Rebecca and her partner, Maria and Paula for acting so quickly in getting help for Orchid, Tiny and Dusty quickly, the swift action increases the odds of them being rescued, treated, rehabilitated and released back to the wild to enjoy summer. All hoggies are doing very well, I am still releasing and have some wonderful people helping me out with some lovely safe havens so they can explore.
It’s so good to know the people who read this article are asking for my help and advice, one in particular, out in the day, not ok!
I have to apologise about my email address being incorrect in last weeks edition, I have put the right address below.
On a personal note, I have made a satisfactory recovery from my hip replacement surgery so it’s business as usual, I still have some way to go but I am much better. I hope to be out and about this summer raising funds for my prickly friends. I will keep you all posted but, in the meantime, I am asking for donations to keep these prickly friends happy, healthy and well fed while they are here so if anyone would like to help I would be very grateful.
Contact Details as follows: The British Hedgehog Preservation Society 01584 890801. My Correct Email Address is Facebook Page Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel.
The Hog Blog