It’s baby season in our hedgehog world and, as a rescue, I ask everyone to make sure that before you do any gardening to check to make sure that there isn’t any mums nesting in your borders, it’s also possible that mums can leave the nest periodically to get extra food, it’s quite exhausting being a new mum, because they leave the nest when the hoglets are asleep.
All my new admissions are doing well, in fact, tonight, I have admitted a little female, she is named Orchid. I would like to thank Maria for bringing her in tonight, (Tuesday) I don’t know what her problem is at the moment but it will all become clear, a suspected upset tummy, she is too small to be expecting hoglets so she can be assessed and treatment started.
Two more females were released last Saturday night and they are very happy in their new environment, Tilly and Rana went with Lesley and Steve, very safe and plenty of other hogs, male and female for company.
It’s never easy rescuing our precious hedgehogs, there is a lot of work in addition to caring for them, not to mention the worry they sometimes bring, It takes years to gain enough knowledge and equipment to put yourself in a strong position to save as many as you can, they are everyone’s garden friend and a joy to watch. If they choose your garden to make a nest you should feel very lucky indeed so please watch out for them and take care of them.
Finally, special thanks to June and Valerie for their support with helping me pay for food and medication etc to keep running. If anyone would like to also help or make a donation it would be very much appreciated.
Should you need any help or advice regarding a hedgehog please ring The British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801 or email: – My Facebook page is Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel.
The Hog Blog